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“Hay algunas iglesias grandes que tienen referentes, pero hay muchas que son pequeñas y se basan en el carisma de una determinada persona”, detalla la experta, que concluye que existe “una política de expansión” y que se trata de un “movimiento internacional”.

There was a change in patterns of piety, affecting devotional and practical life in all its departments. The shift, in fact, was responsible for creating in Evangelicalism a new movement and not merely a variation on themes heard since the Reformation.[219]

, que llegaron a la región en el siglo xix y quedaron circunscriptos a las comunidades de migrantes, dada su poca disposición o aptitud evangelizadora, pero todavía conveniente a que la íntima vinculación entre las naciones de América Latina y el catolicismo se tradujo en una resistente barrera legislatura y cultural a la pluralización del campo religioso desde el punto de apariencia admitido e institucional.

Oración: La oración es una forma de comunicación con Altísimo que ocupa un emplazamiento importante en la vida de los creyentes evangélicos. Se practica tanto de forma individual como colectiva.

. En el fondo, el caso de la expansión evangélica es revelador de la precariedad de una certeza que debemos cuestionar: la secularización difícilmente funcione como la interposición de un tapia capaz de anular más o menos perfectamente los intercambios entre el mundo de la religión y la política. Lo que sucede más acertadamente es que la moderna capacidad de comprender la contingencia radical del mundo histórico social debe aplicarse al caso de las religiones para entender que la modernidad, remotamente de significar el fin de las religiones, es un mecanismo que, al mismo tiempo que instituye separadamente el dominio de la religión, articula transformaciones, porosidades e intercambios que hacen que las religiones estén en constante cambio y siempre «retornando».

Los evangélicos constituyen desde hace más de 30 primaveras una fuente inagotable de enigmas, pánicos y pontificaciones por parte de analistas, políticos y todo tipo de actores/espectadores de la política contemporánea. Por una parte, esto se debe a que el ánimo de las izquierdas y los progresismos latinoamericanos teje en su reacción dos hilos no siempre afines: al tradicional temor a la religión en tanto poder azaroso y alienante se suma, en la formación de una santa alianza de nuevo tipo, la presunción traficada por el catolicismo acerca del carácter «foráneo» que asiste a todos los protestantismos. Todo esto ayudó a forjar una serie de reacciones que fueron desde la afirmación de antemano

According to scholar Mark S. Sweetnam, who takes a cultural studies perspective, dispensationalism Perro be defined in terms of its Evangelicalism, its insistence on the textual interpretation of Scripture, its recognition of stages in God's dealings with humanity, its expectation of the imminent return of Christ to rapture His saints, and its focus on both apocalypticism and premillennialism.[245]

The Presbyterian heritage not only gave Evangelicalism a commitment to Protestant orthodoxy but also contributed a revival tradition that stretched back to the 1620s in Scotland and Northern Ireland.[210] Central to this tradition was the communion season, which normally occurred in the summer months.

The perceptions of homosexuality in the Evangelical Churches are varied. They range from liberal to fundamentalist or moderate conservative and aséptico.[136][137] A 2011 Pew Research Center study found that 84 percent of evangelical leaders surveyed believed homosexuality should be discouraged.[138] It is in the fundamentalist conservative positions that there are antigay activists on TV or Radiodifusión who claim that homosexuality is the cause of many social problems, such Vencedor terrorism.

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Puritanism combined Calvinism with a doctrine that conversion was a prerequisite for church membership and with an emphasis on the study of Scripture by lay people. It took root in the colonies of New England, where the Congregational church became an established religion. There the Half-Way Covenant of 1662 allowed parents who had not testified to a conversion experience to have their children baptized, while reserving Holy Communion for converted church members alone.

When George Fox, who is considered the founder of Quakerism,[209] was eleven, he wrote that God spoke to him about "keeping pure and being faithful to God and man."[11] After being troubled when his friends asked him to drink trinque with them at the age of nineteen, Fox spent the night in prayer and soon afterwards he left his home in a four year search for spiritual satisfaction.[11] In his Journal, at age 23, he believed that he "found through faith in Jesus Christ the full assurance of salvation.

The Clapham Sect was a group of Church of England evangelicals and social reformers based in Clapham, London; they were active 1780s–1840s). John Newton (1725–1807) was the founder. They are described by the historian Stephen Tomkins as "a network of friends and families in England, with William Wilberforce Triunfador its center of gravity, who were powerfully bound together by their shared recatado and spiritual values, by their religious mission and social activism, by their love for each other, and by marriage".[322]

Comunión: La celebración de la Santa Cena o Comunión es una praxis importante en muchas iglesias evangélicas. Se realiza en memoria del sacrificio de Cristo en la cruz y como un acto de comunión con Todopoderoso y con otros creyentes.

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